Thursday, September 24, 2009

Virtual Reality

In this article, "Walk, Fly, or Teleport to Learning" by Maureen Brown Yoder focuses on the use of the Internet- based multiuser virtual environment (MUVEs). It is mentioned that by 2011, 20 million children will be members of this group. From my understanding this is a kind of game that is meant to give people a learning experience of the “real world”. Here you create an avatar and roam through the virtual world. There are different “worlds” people can experience that have different kinds of real life learning situations. For example, there is one that takes place in New Orleans and you have to find your mom and along the way you earn points by talking to heroes.

I don’t know exactly how I would use this in my classroom. I like the idea that students would be entertained and probably very interested in interacting with their peers in this “SIMS” kind of program. I know that it is important as educator s to make learning interesting for students but I am debating as to if I would use this in class.


  1. hahaha irene, deja de pensar como yo.. usamos el mismo de nuevo.. i know the consept is wierd and different. i don't think i yould used it personaly, but if there aro so many people using these type of tech as a game or as a way of life, why not add some educational tools. it kind of lie the Syms, but under supervision and with educational interest

  2. Wow! Interesting way of learning. I think this would be a great way to get students involved. I like the idea of having the students interact with each other. You are very is import to make learning interesting and intriguing, this program seems to fulfill both these needs.
